Total War: Arena

Release date

Total War: Arena is an online team strategy game dedicated to historical battles of ancient factions. Try on the armor of legendary generals and plunge into the large-scale wars of Rome, Greece, Carthage and the barbarians. Fight in team battles with up to 20 players and pave the way from a thousand victories to triumph!

Tactical genius

Following the traditions of the series, Total War: Arena impresses with the scale of battles, the variability of tactics and attention to detail. Four unique factions, dozens of generals, various types of troops and hundreds of upgrades open up truly limitless freedom for fans of tactical games. Total War: Arena captivates with global battles, but this is the tip of the iceberg. Delving into the mechanics of the game, you will discover the invisible subtleties of the gameplay, thanks to which you will decide the outcome of the battle.

The path to glory

Total War: Arena is extremely friendly to new recruits and provides a testing ground, including battles with an artificial enemy. Even lost battles will not bring disappointment, but precious experience. The earned experience is used to study new types of troops and modifications. The generals themselves also improve their skills as they level up and bring even more benefits to the battlefield.

A team game

Victory in each battle is awarded for capturing the base or completely defeating the enemy. 20 people with three squads are simultaneously participating on the battlefield. It is necessary not only to monitor personal units, but also the situation on the battlefield. Otherwise, after winning one battle, you can play a war. Total War: Arena takes into account the features of playing with strangers and provides tools with which you can effectively manage an army of thousands. Coordinate the actions of your allies before the start of the battle or right during the hot battle with bright signals and orders. In Total War: Arena, victory is achieved only together, united into a single whole.

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